Become a valued member of the Habersham County American Legion Auxiliary Unit 84 Today!

Are You Eligible to Join the ALA?

We are always excited to welcome new members to our unit. Each member plays a vital role in helping support our local veterans and families whether it be fundraising, volunteering or recruiting new members.


Eligibility Requirements

If you are related to a veteran in the following ways and the veteran is a member of the American Legion or you are a female veteran, you are eligible to join the ALA.

  • Mother 
  • Daughter
  • Sister
  • Grandmother
  • Granddaughter
  • Male or Female Spouse

Fill Out the Membership Application and email a copy to or print a copy and bring to one of our monthly meetings.


Already an ALA Member? Transfer to Unit 84

If you are already a member of the American Legion Auxiliary and would like to transfer to our unit, download the Transfer Application, fill it out and bring it to one of our meetings